Get the grants you are entitled to with Efika!

Discover our support to structure and secure all your claims.

The Efika advantage

Efika does not sell any products or services. Our comprehensive approach ensures that you obtain optimal financing, which is a considerable advantage for your business.
All information received to process your application is protected and remains confidential at all times.
Opening a file, conducting an interview, and preliminary analysis are free of charge. Our clients generally pay based on the results obtained, which eliminates any financial risk in case of refusal.

Our service guarantees

A high success rate
Acceleration of payments
A single point of contact
Comprehensive understanding of your company's projects
A close relationship
Reduction of tax and legal risks

Obtaining grants is long and complicated?

Efika makes the process simple and efficient.

Our offer

A turnkey management of grants
From strategy to its implementation.
Grant management

Too many business projects remain in their embryonic state due to lack of financial resources. Ignorance of financing options and the apparent complexity of government procedures discourage many companies from seeking the financial aid they are entitled to. Groupe Efika is here for you and acts as a facilitator in obtaining and managing your subsidies.


Projects that have obtained financial assistance thanks to Efika.

Numbers that mean a lot


total obtained financing.
en somme du financement obtenu.

« Quelle belle trouvaille! Services dynamiques et professionnels qui nous assurent de maximiser l’obtention des aides gouvernementales, peu importe la nature de nos projets. Support hors pair du début à la fin des processus. Une équipe experte sans contredit essentielle au financement adéquat de notre entreprise. Longue vie à Groupe Efika! »

—  Odette Whittom // Directrices des finances chez Distribution JRV

« Sans Isabelle et Kariann du Groupe Efika, je n’yserais pas arrivé et le meilleur reste à venir. Merci Mesdames»

—  Alain Phaneuf // PDG Phaneuf International Inc.

« Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Molestie neque tincidunt ullamcorper nunc. »

—  John Doe // Directeur Marketing chez John Doe Company

À votre tour de faire confiance à Groupe Efika afin de d'obtenir les subventions auxquelles vous avez droit.

Nous joindre

" What a great find! Dynamic and professional services that ensure we maximize the government aid we receive, regardless of the nature of our projects. Outstanding support from the beginning to the end of the process. "

—  Odette Whittom // Director of finance at Distribution JRV.

" Wow! Complete support and guidance that make a real difference. We have a significant return on investment for our projects and we feel confident. "

—  Marie-Christine Bilodeau // Entreprise Landed Internatinal Inc.

" We have been working with Groupe Efika for several years and we intend to continue for a long time. Collaboration, understanding, and flexibility are elements that characterize Efika well. They are attentive to our needs and always available when necessary. "

— Jonathan Auger// PDG of Sir Steward Inc.

Our fields of expertise —

Manufacturing and fabrication companies
Food processing and agriculture companies
Waste management companies
Pulp and paper companies - Wood processing
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